UIScrollViewDelegate & UITableViewDelegate

針對 UIScrollView 和 UITableView 主要的各種 delegate 發動時機,做說明

UIScrollViewDelegate protocol聲明的方法允許採用的委託 UIScrollView,從而響應並在一定程度上影響諸如滾動,縮放,滾動內容的減速和滾動動畫之類的操作,任何繼承 UIScrollView 都可使用。

Responding to Scrolling and Dragging

func scrollViewDidScroll(UIScrollView)

Tells the delegate when the user scrolls the content view within the receiver.


func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(UIScrollView)

Tells the delegate when the scroll view is about to start scrolling the content.


func scrollViewWillEndDragging(UIScrollView, withVelocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>)

Tells the delegate when the user finishes scrolling the content.


func scrollViewDidEndDragging(UIScrollView, willDecelerate: Bool)

Tells the delegate when dragging ended in the scroll view.


func scrollViewShouldScrollToTop(UIScrollView) -> Bool

Asks the delegate if the scroll view should scroll to the top of the content.

當點擊 status bar 的時間滑動前觸發

回傳 true 開啟點擊 status bar 的時間可以 scroll 到頂部

func scrollViewDidScrollToTop(UIScrollView)

Tells the delegate that the scroll view scrolled to the top of the content.

當點擊完 status bar 的時間並且滑動到頂部後觸發

func scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating(UIScrollView)

Tells the delegate that the scroll view is starting to decelerate the scrolling movement.


func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(UIScrollView)

Tells the delegate that the scroll view has ended decelerating the scrolling movement.


UIScrollViewDelegate protocol聲明的方法允許採用的委託 UIScrollView,從而響應並在一定程度上影響諸如滾動,縮放,滾動內容的減速和滾動動畫之類的操作,任何繼承 UIScrollView 都可使用。

Responding to Scrolling and Dragging

func scrollViewDidScroll(UIScrollView)

Tells the delegate when the user scrolls the content view within the receiver.


func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(UIScrollView)

Tells the delegate when the scroll view is about to start scrolling the content.


func scrollViewWillEndDragging(UIScrollView, withVelocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>)

Tells the delegate when the user finishes scrolling the content.


func scrollViewDidEndDragging(UIScrollView, willDecelerate: Bool)

Tells the delegate when dragging ended in the scroll view.


func scrollViewShouldScrollToTop(UIScrollView) -> Bool

Asks the delegate if the scroll view should scroll to the top of the content.

當點擊 status bar 的時間滑動前觸發

回傳 true 開啟點擊 status bar 的時間可以 scroll 到頂部

func scrollViewDidScrollToTop(UIScrollView)

Tells the delegate that the scroll view scrolled to the top of the content.

當點擊完 status bar 的時間並且滑動到頂部後觸發

func scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating(UIScrollView)

Tells the delegate that the scroll view is starting to decelerate the scrolling movement.


func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(UIScrollView)

Tells the delegate that the scroll view has ended decelerating the scrolling movement.


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